Good Neighbor House is closed. We will reopen as soon as COVID conditions allow. Until then, contact us for updates or to plan for future use of our spaces.
Past Events
Below you will see information about several of the events that we have hosted at Good Neighbor before COVID. Click on titles to open that section.
Your Title Goes Here
Come Scrapbook with Us at Good Neighbor
We have lots of supplies to share together as we work! Bring your photos the 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 2pm-4pm. (e.g.; March 10, April 14.)
Flute Circle
Spiritual & Religious Trauma
Women's Dance Class
Women’s Dance Class

- All Fitness Levels
- Mix of Dance Styles and Music
- Fun, Non-judgemental, Non-Stress, Supportive Atmosphere
- Jingle Skirts and Veils Provided
Thursdays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
The class is free, but the Good Neighbor House will accept donations for the use of the space.
For more information, email: [email protected]
LGBTQ+ Support Group for Youth
Mindfulness Group
Mindfulness Group
Weekly on Sunday
5:45 – 7:00pm
Kitchen and Activity Room
Michael Watkins who works as Mindfulness Coordinator at Brazos Recovery Services will be leading a mindfulness group each Sunday. This group is open to the public, and attendees will be led through a variety of mindfulness and meditation techniques to promote overall wellbeing. Please Join us!