Mr. Jorge Vielledent, New Board Member

by | Apr 5, 2021 | New/s @ Good Neighbor, The Good Neighbor Experience

Image of Jorge VielledentLast week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jorge Vielledent. Mr. Vielledent is a new board member at Good Neighbor House. And though he has not yet assumed any specific roles, he says interested in working with Volunteers or with Finances.

Mr. Vielledent works at Baylor, with the Summer Study Abroad programs. In addition he oversees Baylor’s ongoing efforts to address food insecurity on campus. He organizes Baylor’s Farmer’s Market, their Food Pantry, and The Store, which provide students, who may not otherwise have it, access to fresh food for free.

In 2016, Mr. Vielledent first met Dr. Laine Scales through Baylor’s School of Education, and Dr. Scales asked him if he would be interested in living and being a Resident Volunteer at Good Neighbor House. Although he could not do this at the time, he continued to follow the work of the Good Neighbor House, and he continued to explore how he might work with the organization. 

This year, Mr. Vielledent accepted the invitation to join the Leadership Team at Good Neighbor House as a board member. We welcome Mr. Vielledent’s passion for working with others and encouraging others to volunteer and serve in the community. One example of his plans: as the advisor for one of Baylor’s fraternities, he will be promoting volunteer work at Good Neighbor for the members of his fraternity. 

As we all emerge carefully from the constraints and restrictions imposed by the COVID pandemic, Good Neighbor House looks forward to Mr. Vielledent joining in our ongoing work to serve our community. His experiences and expertise will contribute significantly to our mission.