Seeking Resident Volunteer/s

by | Feb 12, 2021 | New/s @ Good Neighbor

Good Neighbor Waco, a Christian non-profit organization, is seeking singles or married couples to serve an average of 7-10 hours per week in exchange for partially subsidized rent (no children or pets). Resident volunteers live in adjacent buildings; each resident volunteer has a private bedroom with shared bath, kitchen and living room. A portion of the service hours involves hosting groups using the community rooms at 2301 Colcord Ave. (once we feel it is safe to re-enstate this activity and utilizing COVID-19 safety protocols) and participating in household upkeep or administrative work. With their remaining service hours resident workers are encouraged to create and run neighborhood projects in their areas of interest including the arts, urban gardening, community engagement, education, worship, etc. Applicants would commit to 9-12 months of live-in service, to begin June, July, or August 1 (with specific dates and roles to be discussed during the application process). Residents must be able to live and work well with others and contribute meaningfully to community living. Applicants over 21 are preferred, although exceptions may be made. For more information and an application please contact board member [email protected].